By default, QGIS starts each new project using a global default projection. The EPSG:4326 version has pixels which are square in degrees Pixel Size = (0. GeoPandas can accept anything accepted by pyproj. Center coordinates0. Axes: northing, easting (N,E). I am using the JTS from vividsolutions. shp for shapefile datastore. 5° longlat for comparison with climate data. From the doc I know that res returns the (width, height) of pixels in the units of its coordinate reference system. One solution is to use the GEOGRAPHY data type. In this class, we will use EPSG:3857 WGS84 Web Mercator (Auxiliary Sphere) with units in meters. Considering that the spatial data. Cadastre, engineering survey, topographic mapping (large scale). (WGS 84 / Pseudo-Mercator, units = meters) to EPSG:4326 (WGS 84 / geographic, units = degrees) For example, here is the coordinates from your screenshot transformed from EPSG:4326. Here is my code, if you interested. Most of the time it mean EPSG: 4326 that is indeed in degrees (and the base of GPS position) but the name WGS84 could be used for other CRS with different unit (see image exemple below, taken from the website referenced in JGH answer). EPSG:4378) are based on an ellipsoid as they don't necessarily have the same centres. (2) Set Coordsys Window FrontWindow () (3) Update the columns in your table. Used as the coordinate base for creation of digital terrain models (DTMs) for the International. Also found with truncated false easting - see Beijing 1954 / 3-degree Gauss-Kruger CM 114E (code 2435). Once you find the page associated with your CRS of interest you can then look at all of the various formats associated with that CRS: EPSG 4326 - WGS84 geographic. 001 degrees across for EPSG:4326 vs. Also found with truncated false easting - see Beijing 1954 / 3-degree Gauss-Kruger CM 132E (code 2441). Replaced by Xian 1980 / 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 38 (code 2362). Türkiye. Share Tour Start here for a quick overview of the site Help Center Detailed answers to any questions you might have All points are stored with SRID=4326. The transformation functions for the Web Mercator projection EPSG:3857 for latitude and longitude in radians to projected coordinates in meters are defined as. When you load your dataframe all_tws, you can get its actual crs with all_tws. Also found with truncated false easting - see Beijing 1954 / 3-degree Gauss-Kruger CM 114E (code 2435). Defined as exact. EPSG:4326. The default CRS is set to EPSG:4326 – WGS 84, for both layer and the project (checked in bottom right), and unit is thus in degrees. The EPSG Dataset is maintained by the IOGP Geomatics Committee’s Geodesy Subcommittee. proj_create_operations: Source and target ellipsoid do not belong to the same >celestial body. 0044996 degrees@DmytroGokun thanks for the feedback. 78098m, dY=-283. Current CRS is EPSG:3857. I suggest to use EPSG:25832 ETRS89 / UTM zone 32N, because the Gauss-Krueger DHDN CRS zones are based on the old bessel ellipsoid, and you have to apply a datum shift that is not constant over the whole of Germany. Peter Mercator, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons. 4, PROJ 6. The distinction in usage between ETRF89 and ETRS89 is confused: although in principle conceptually different in practice both are. EPSG:2413 Projected coordinate system for China - onshore between 109°30'E and 112°30'E. I have read that in order to do it, I need to transform EPSG:4326 to EPSG:3857 which uses meters. 1. +. To convert WGS84 degrees to meters, it’s essential to consider latitude. So maybe this version does a bit better job for fitting and cropping the result to valid area of EPSG:3857 but not at all perfect. Area of use: World. Zone width 3 degrees. epsg_4326 (id, geom) VALUES (1, 'POINT(48. The manual of st_buffer says this about the dist argument:I created a new project with decimal degrees system. Raw. See section Custom Coordinate Reference System for information on managing your custom coordinate reference. spatial_ref_sys WHERE srid = 4326; returns UNIT s of type "degree". I have reprojected to UTM EPSG: 32611 for both. Re-projecting data to North/South Pole. –. Recommended solution since pyproj 2. As a rough estimate, at the equator, 1 degree of latitude is approximately 111 kilometers, which is roughly equivalent to 111,000 meters. ここで、組織は「epsg」や「ignf」などの組織名であり、コードは特定のcrsに関連付けられた一意の番号です。 たとえば、一般的なWGS 84緯度/経度CRSは識別子「EPSG:4326」で知られており、Webマッピング標準CRSは「EPSG:3857」です。EPSG:2232 Projected coordinate system for United States (USA) - Colorado - counties Arapahoe; Chaffee; Cheyenne; Clear Creek; Delta; Denver; Douglas; Eagle; El Paso; Elbert; Fremont; Garfield; Gunnison; Jefferson; Kit Carson; Lake; Lincoln; Mesa; Park; Pitkin; Summit; Teller. Axes: northing, easting (X,Y). I’ve tried several: 2. Projection('EPSG:4326')}, true);For the second method, we create a transformer from a pyproj. Its for a c# application to neglect the tolerance value of 20 meters to be ignored. And the conversion depends on the latitude of the points, as 1 degree at the equator will be less meters than 1 degree at high latitudes. It is said that unit of measure for EPSG:3857 is the metre. Now I have another shapefile(s) and I look at the shapefile. e. You can use the quick-and-dirty (yet fairly accurate) conversion described here. 808183, 37. To calculate this distance the vertex coordinates themselves are not needed, just two orthogonal sides (0. Quick way of telling what SRID your lat/lon is in: Look at how big the number & the precision. io Transform coordinates Online converter for lat & long coordinates, geodetic datums and projected systemsA four page cheat sheet about coordinate reference systems (CRSs), including projections, datums, and coordinate systems, and the use of these in R. latitude/longitude. WGS84 (EPSG: 4326) ## Commonly used by organizations that provide GIS data for the entire globe or many countries. . If you're working with data that covers a small area and you need to preserve the shape of the features, then EPSG:3857 might be the right choice. Please, see screen capture showing the direct GeoPackage layer properties and not from the Layers window. polar coordinates on an ellipsoid), and Euclidean distances between those don't make much sense. Pixel. EPSG Projection 4326 - WGS 84 Home | Upload Your Own | List user-contributed references | List all references Previous: EPSG:4324: WGS 72BE | Next: EPSG:4327: WGS 84 (geographic 3D)As you see from the brackets, the EPSG:9001 is only valid for the UNIT variable. 8589506) Lon(2. e. When I add the grid layer it doesn't show. 9545540697872639,6001856. Share on T Q. For instance, the common WGS 84 latitude/longitude CRS is known by the identifier EPSG:4326, and the web mapping standard CRS is EPSG:3857. It also defines a PROJECTION (Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere) which defines how to project the 3D GEOGCS coordinates into 2D coordinates. py. May 20, 2013 at 20:53. You can find a lot of. All the points are closely packed into a group like squares, so I would like to convert the lat,long points to meters so that I can plot it over the graph to see the variation in the heatmap. Changing the projection of the map to EPSG:4326 and then saving the layer as CSV worked. R = 6378137 x = R * longitude y = R * ln(tan(pi/4 + latitude/2)) I'm unable to find corresponding functions for EPSG:3395, the so-called World Mercator projection. Thus putting the degree extent of the data as the corners as arguments for "a_ullr" puts the image basically at the Equator/PM intersection since -97 longitude is considered 97 meters west of the PM. PROJ. Perhaps, Openlayer's implementation can be interpreted as: if EPSG:4326 is specified as a projection, OL will handle it in some manner. each pixel is 0. From the menu click. 384 km, it will only create a grid square size of 10 km. I have a . Engineering survey, topographic mapping. Also found with truncated false easting - see Beijing 1954 / 3-degree Gauss-Kruger CM 114E (code 2435). -. But the image is from 35. Also used offshore by State Geological Surveys. right-click on layer and select Save As. 9, -1. For example, one of the most commonly used CRS is the WGS84 latitude-longitude projection. First you need to reproject the GeoDataFrame to a different CRS which units is either meter or feet, and then measure the area using areaattribute. divide bu 10**6 if you want m^2. e. geotools. Federal definition is metric -. 34 -20037508. 10 20,026,376. I have used the Distance() function, but I'm getting some values and I couldn't identify the unit of those values. Hi @MichaelDelgado, you are correct I want Lat/ Lon in degrees, so it will be EPSG:4326 is WGS84 (lat/lons on a geoid). For applications with an accuracy of better than 1m replaced by NAD83 (HARN) in the US and PRVI and by NAD83 (CSRS) in Canada. hence you area will in in km^2. I don't know why it's changing only one axis. EPSG:6933 has meters as unit epsg. Truncated form of Beijing 1954 / 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 28 (code 2404). Unfortunately this is not the case. – Adriel Gomes Costa. CRS; CoordinateReferenceSystem sourceCRS = CRS. CRS. Download ZIP. 00045 x 0. If you want to buffer in meters, you first need to reproject your Polygon and Linestring into a CRS that uses meters. Replaced by Xian 1980 / 3-degree Gauss-Kruger CM 117E (code 2384). Jan 25, 2022 at 1:18 1 @Dave2e, you're right, the values (in meters) are. Jul 20, 2018 at 21:37. 972246695723605e-07. EPSG:4026 Projected coordinate system for Moldova. Thanks for the tip!To convert a WGS84 coordinate you get from iOS in the tool, you should: select EPSG:4326 for input; select EPSG:3857 for output; and input coordinates as longitude;latitude (for example: -122. 9982 24. 0219772557337 0. I wonder what is the straightest way. g. The current map coordinates are still shown in Decimal Degrees. Zoom to a scale of 1:5 000 000 again, as before. The units are degrees. Orientations: north, east. Canada - Alberta; British Columbia (BC); Northwest Territories (NWT); Nunavut. The standard is. I have another 50% polygon data in EPSG:4326. 24081m. . 6. EPSG:3414 Projected coordinate system for Singapore - onshore and offshore. Replaced by Xian 1980 / 3-degree Gauss-Kruger CM 117E (code 2384). Remarks: Longitude is POSITIVE EAST. For mapping at 1:25,000 scale and smaller use WGS 84 / UTM (CRS codes 4037-38). It turns out I was attempting to intersect the 3857 projection with a 4326 projection later in my code. 0 2425478. Hence the degree unit you are proposed. I’ve tried several:2. Replaced by Xian 1980 / 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 37 (code 2361). Replaced by Xian 1980 / 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 37 (code 2361). – Rob Raymond. 0, the axis order mandated by the authority defining a CRS is by default honoured by the OGRCoordinateTransformation class, and always exported in WKT1. Also used offshore by State Geological Surveys. io: Area of use: Europe between 6°E and 12°E: Austria; Belgium; Denmark - onshore and offshore; Germany - onshore and offshore;. 1 Introduction. When I properly transformed the 4326 projection then my intersection started working properly. The JRC Monthly Water History dataset is an image that uses a single coordinate reference system (CRS) of EPSG:4326, and does not use the same CRS as Landsat images (which use a collection of UTM. Germany - states of former East Germany onshore east of 13°30'E - Brandenburg; Mecklenburg-Vorpommern; Sachsen. To avoid terminological confusion: the named "WGS84" is a CRS (coordinate reference system), so synonyms and human-readable abbreviation for urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326. The current version, WGS 84, defines an Earth-centered, Earth-fixed coordinate system and a geodetic datum, and also describes the associated Earth Gravitational Model (EGM) and World Magnetic Model (WMM). projOut = pyproj. Cadastre, engineering survey, topographic mapping (large scale). So I pressed the button:. 86424016952515 36. Ellipsoid semi-major axis (a)=20926201 Gold Coast feet. Instead, if you want to express length in meters, you have to transform your geometries from WGS84 to a. I wanted to use geotools (15. It represents Earth as a three. Center coordinates500000. 0 was released March 8th 2019. – user30184 The World Geodetic System ( WGS) is a standard used in cartography, geodesy, and satellite navigation including GPS. The corner coordinates of the data are also given in projected and lat/long coordinates. Local coordinate systems are often unrelated. However I have problem now with conversion from. 2 -te_srs EPSG:4326 to force a taller map. So that is fine. I would like to create 100 meters circle buffers in a UTM projection from a point table whose SRID is EPSG:4326 and keeping the id column. In our Postgres/Postgis database we store polygons in a column defined as lonlat/EPSG:4326, as it may contain data from anywhere in the world. So how to solve the problem at the beginning of this article? Idea is that we go through the. I have read that in order to do it, I need to transform EPSG:4326 to. A slight confusion might come out of the fact that both 4326 and 3857 are in degrees, so the "right & proper" approach should in theory be: streets_import %>% st. “EPSG Geodetic Parameter Dataset is a collection of definitions of coordinate reference systems and coordinate transformations which may be global, regional, national or local in application”. Russian Federation - onshore. Search Map Transform About +-q. Latitude (φ - phi) is the angle between the equatorial plane and the straight line that. Topographic mapping (small scale). 39 20,048,966. I also tried the following line of code: UPDATE myTable2 SET geom. Similarly, I'd like to be able to determine that UTM co-ordinates (e. decode("EPSG:4326"); The example above assumes you have gt-epsg-hsql jar on your CLASSPATH. I have made a linestring with two points with coordinates : [ [0,0], [0,1000]] and calculated the distance using the vincenty formula. Then I made a buffer, but I can't transform the buffer back to to degrees. Cadastre, engineering survey, topographic mapping (large scale). CRS, with crs_from="epsg:3857" and crs_to="epsg:4326", then transform the point (x1, y1), we can get the same result as the first method, without any warning message. buffer() takes arguments in degree format only, how can I use meters format? Do I. EPSG:4326 Geodetic coordinate system for World. coordinates are in decimal degrees (lat, lon)). sphericalCosinus(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2); }, /** * All coordinates expected EPSG:4326 * @param {number} lat1 Start Latitude * @param {number} lon1 Start Longitude *. But how do I directly pass meters as 3rd parameter. )When dealing with coordinates systems in Python with fiona and osgeo, there seem to be a lot of ways to define a coordinate system by importing/exporting different crs formats , for example:. The original view (EPSG:3857) was following: After changing to CRS to. 34 20037508. Replaced by Xian 1980 / 3-degree Gauss-Kruger CM 123E (code 2386). EPSG Projection 4326 - WGS 84 Home | Upload Your Own | List user. Consequently CRS created with the "EPSG:4326" or "WGS84" strings use the latitude first, longitude second axis order. if you are not at the equator (and even if you are, but then the difference can be neglected in most applications), then 1 degree of latitude does not represent the same distance on the surface of the Earth than 1 degree of longitude. 4 strings. txt and run:No, latitude and longitude are always in degrees. 15. INSERT INTO public. 8035119101405144,-3669673. I have two points on a EPSG:4326 layer. Each system has its native units and GDAL is respecting those. How can I convert projection coordinates into the meters so that I can plot the heat map?The Pixel Size is 0. Area of use: North America - onshore and. EPSG:3857 Projected coordinate system for World between 85. e. 4 I have a project with two point layers (in WGS84). Cadastre, engineering survey, topographic mapping (large scale). Thus, when you run ST_Buffer on a EPSG:4326 geometry, the output is given in degrees of lat/lon. Geometry. The downside of this projection is that it may seem to warp your images, and linear. Your title says you want to. Spatial referencing. Truncated form of Beijing 1954 / 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 41 (code 2417). I am quite a bit confused for example if, at least in practice, EPSG:4326 is equivalent to Plate Carrée equirectangular projection. I add the layer world map (EPSG:4326 – WGS 84 by default) by taping “world” in the coordinate box in the middle bottom, I also add Open street map (EPSG:3857 – WGS 84 / Pseudo-Mercator by. EPSG:2136 Projected coordinate system for Ghana - onshore. 9982 24. EPSG:4326 - WGS 84. This coordinate system also has a unique reference code, the so-called EPSG code, which is 4326. national grid system). select st_distance (st_setsrid (st_makepoint (126. The concept is available two ways: DefaultEngineeringCRS. The real distance is about 479 meters, however the method give the result far from it, why?. ) from a spatial object in R. EPSG:4326 are polar coordinates, but EPSG:32612 are cartesian coordinates. Is there any solution to change the unit from degrees to meters for a global map? I'd be thankful for your help. Also found with truncated false easting - see Pulkovo 1942 / 3-degree Gauss-Kruger CM 63E (code 2596). Select Vector > Geoprocessing Tools > Buffers > set buffer distance as. 4326) A pyproj. From epsg. All the answers on the internet describe that you need to project to a flat UTM coordinate system for slope and elevation profile stuff to work. ‘EPSG:4326’, which has the following alias ‘WGS84’ ‘EPSG:4269’ ‘EPSG:3857’, which has the following aliases ‘EPSG:3785’ ‘GOOGLE’ ‘EPSG:900913’ ‘EPSG:102113’ Defined projections can also be accessed through the proj4. Left: Unprojected (Longitude/Latitude) using World Geodetic System 1984 Datum (WGS84) (EPSG = 4326) Right: USA Contiguous Albers Equal Area Conic, USGS (EPSG = 5070 or 102003) CRS. WGS 84 - WGS84 - World Geodetic System 1984, used in GPS - EPSG:4326 I have a global map with CRS WGS84-EPSG:4326 and I want to calculate the area of my polygons. The original view (EPSG:3857) was following: After changing to CRS to. The reason it's a bad idea (usually) to buffer in degrees is that your buffer width/length will not be the same everywhere as the length of a degree of longitude shrinks towards the poles, or put another way, 2 degrees longitude is a much smaller length in Alaska than at the equator. g. 0. The results are aligned with GIS data from. Even geocentric coordinates (e. Although the projection is closely associated with Google, Microsoft is listed as the "information source" in EPSG's standards. PROJ or PROJ. 0, GDAL 3. 44573128938707 25. 00045 for each), and the angle between them (which will be 45° here since the sides are equal-length). Insert the long/lat coordinates into the ST_Length example. Coordinate conversions can be done conveniently using pyproj. Detailed design will require use of appropriate low-distortion local projected and vertical CRSs. I have a Series of locations in standart lat, lon float degrees format, and need to calculate buffer around them in meters. Uses spherical development of ellipsoidal coordinates. . 8. 8589506) Lon(2. EPSG:2413 Projected coordinate system for China - onshore between 109°30'E and 112°30'E. 06) Lon(253457. As defuneste mentions in their answer, 3857 is in meters and 4326 is in degrees, so the intersection didn't work. Conversely, the reprojected (warped) raster in WGS84 has square pixels in degrees. So the correct transformed coordinate would be: (56. 722279472, 6765816. You can use the search on the site to find an EPSG code. Also, any geometry defined as a specific SRID within SQL Server will be excluded from. 846255)] (longitude,latitude) on the earth, I take the GeoSeries. Look Converting EPSG:2284 to EPSG:4326 with pyproj (and many others. 076 I have the following data structure. It turns out I was attempting to intersect the 3857 projection with a 4326 projection later in my code. I would use geopandas for this, as it has a convenient . I tried ST_distance_sphere and st_dwithin which can use metres, but if I do that, the explain shows that the index. There's an issue of which CRS to use; RGDAL does not recognize the EPSG code. “epsg:4326”) An EPSG integer code (i. 75 (plot centre) M1 1. To calculate the distance on the dataset in 4326, I assume that Qgis does some kind of re-projection in the background. ETRS89 has no datum shift to EPSG:4326 WGS84 which you can get from GPS receivers, and all official cadastral. PROJ or PROJ. from pyproj import CRS crs3857 = CRS(3857) # Web Mercator crs4326 = CRS(4326) # WGS84 crs3857. Zone width 3 degrees. 408917;37. in square meters or hectares). We have a requirement to calculate the surface area (i. Cadastre, engineering survey, topographic mapping (large scale). 4 library. . EPSG:4326 and IGNF:WGS84G It looks like both of them do not fit because of the map distorted in both cases. if you are not at the equator (and even if you are, but then the difference can be neglected in most applications), then 1 degree of latitude does not represent the same distance on the surface of the Earth than 1 degree of longitude. Add a comment. Spread the love. Coordinates represent location with respect to a specific coordinate reference system (CRS). EPSG:2436 Projected coordinate system for China - onshore between 115°30'E and 118°30'E. Replaced by Xian 1980 / 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 38 (code 2362). So from 10° 1' 2. 1353377°) Maybe your source coordinate is inaccurate because it is not in the area where the coordinate system is used. EPSG:3395. 1 degree° = 60 arc minutes ' 1 arc minute ' = 60 arc seconds '' 1 arc second '' at equatorial sea level = 1852m/60 = 30. PS: EPSG:4326 is using degrees as units, try the EPSG:3857 which uses meters as unit or if you know the location of your polygons choose a projection from a national gridI have 50% polygon data in EPSG:25832. Projection. e. To convert a single coordinate. I am trying to convert from decimal degrees to meters in QGIS. Only on top of the Equator one degree is as long in both directions. Scope: Geodesy. , in the dialog box, choose the following and click OK : add sccs_meter. get the area in square meters of a polygon using shapely and pyproj. For cadastral purposes, replaces Kertau 1968 / Singapore Grid (CRS code 24500) from August 2004. – I switched from EPSG:4326 (world °) to EPSG:32662 (world meters),( tried 32662 and 4087 as well). Truncated form of Pulkovo 1942 / 3-degree Gauss-Kruger zone 26 (code 2542). 1) Your query is correct but you coordinates are inverted. . EPSG:2438 Projected coordinate system for China - onshore between 121°30'E and 124°30'E. This is the result of the buffer as if I set it to 3 degrees across the whole planet!EPSG:3763 Projected coordinate system for Portugal - mainland - onshore. Therefore if your output is in EPSG:3857 you will get meters but output to EPSG:4326 shows you degrees. Available transformations to EPSG:4326. Rasters are composed of rectangular cells of the same size (expressed by map units, such as degrees or meters), so it is usually impracticable to transform coordinates of pixels separately. 3. Export. CRS used by Google Earth NAD83 (EPSG:4269) ##Most commonly used by U. Now i need a distance matrix between stores and customers but the result is in decimal degrees i think. Ukraine. EPSG:2633 Projected coordinate system for Russian Federation - onshore between 169°30'E and 172°30'E. World Mercator is 3395 and web Mercator is 3857 – Michael Delgado. It's confusing when an API says it uses SRID 3857 but gives a location using SRID 4326. 86666667mCoordinate Conversions. 1 degree° = 60 arc minutes ' 1 arc minute ' = 60 arc seconds '' 1 arc second '' at equatorial sea level = 1852m/60 = 30. To convert a set of coordinates like your example: 616928 6877084 621751 6877314 614317 6871645 588506 6883397 570571 6886266. I need to create vector grids with precise measurements in meters. e. Yeah, I saw that too. 722279472, 6765816. 63 degrees N and one degree in meters is not as long along the latitude than along the longitude. EPSG:2726 Projected coordinate system for Russian Federation - onshore between 100°30'E and 103°30'E. e. Data should not be permitted to exceed 3-4 degrees into neighboring zones; if it does, UTM is the wrong projection, and you should use a conic (e. A four page cheat sheet about coordinate reference systems (CRSs), including projections, datums, and coordinate systems, and the use of these in R. Somalia. In this case EPSG:3857, the projection from the question. convert from long/lat to google mercator (or EPSG:4326 to EPSG:900913) - degress2meters. e. 3857 in SQL Server uses Meters as its unit, 4326 uses decimal degrees. If software cannot handle latitude of origin 90°N, use latitude of origin = 50°47'57. Engineering survey, topographic mapping. Features that cannot be transformed are returned as empty geometries. Reproject Map. However, there is no global system for this. 500 m ÷ 111120 = 0. 08. Engineering survey, topographic mapping. Coordinate conversions can be done conveniently using pyproj. An authority string (i. – ANGLEUNIT["degree (supplier to define representation)",0. tif this results in a image resolution of 13104 x 13104 (square) Why do I need to supply the extents via -te to gdalwarp if for example when I use gdalinfo it outputs the cornerCoordinates ["-180, 90",. Pixel size and pixel spacing are used interchangeably, as the concept of overlapping pixels is generally ignored. parseFloat(end[0]); return gis. 78098m, dY=-283. example: make a one-degree unit square, in epsg 4326 and equirectangular > library(sf) Linking to GEOS 3. degrees. The definition switched to using the WGS84 ellipsoid (EPSG:4326), rather than the sphere. Create a dataframe (note the values must be in metres!) Convert to a GeoDataFrame, setting the current CRS. I'm trying to convert a dataset that has projection parameters in meters to lat/long coordinates. 0008333 degrees or 3 arc-seconds. length 1. Geometry assumes a flat map, geography takes in. coordinates are in decimal degrees: latitudes and longitudes). Get the resolution of the point in degrees or distance units. To convert WGS84 degrees to meters, it’s essential to consider latitude. The original imagery is 6cm resolution, and that is in. defs function (proj4. Do you expect that the correct answer is about 8. io/6933. 345' S becomes here -10° 1' 2. Share on: T Q.